Children need to explore, discover and experience in order to learn. This is easier said than done. I am making it my goal to encourage all the children in my life (at home and in my classroom) to keep exploring, discovering and experiencing. I will provide them the opportunity and allow them to make the memory!
Long Vowel/ Silent e Word Sort Activity Cards Print your own game flashcards- click on this TpT link! I'm Feeding the Monster: Word Work Activity- I used a baby puffs container to make the monster's body. With stickers, paper and marker I added the face details. The game cards have CVC and CCVC words. The object of the game is to feed the monster only words which use short vowel sounds. My students love making the munching sound when the monster eats a word. When they attempt to feed the monster a word with a long vowel they pretend to make the monster spit it out. Students seem to really enjoy this activity. Thank you Pinterest for this find! My Current Word Work Situation: I have been searching blogs to find new word work ideas. I have been using the same materials and activities for the last two years. This is fine because Daily 5 is a new concept at the school I am currently at. My current word work activities include:...
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